The policy you take out with your insurer will dictate if you can have a courtesy car, if it isn’t on your policy please ask the reception team as they may be able to help.
The courtesy cars we supply are leased and managed by ourselves
If a courtesy car is supplied as part of a fault insurance claim the cover would most likely automatically switch from your car, if not and supplied by ourselves a £750 excess will apply. Please ask our reception when dropping the car off to confirm.
We aim to have you car repaired as quickly as possible but there are many variables that can slow the process down, when damaged panels are removed more damage can be found behind, back-ordered parts from the supplier to name a few, We will give you an estimate completion date (ECD) when you drop the car off and aim to keep you updated through the repair.
Yes, if you need any other work carried out alongside your repair please speak to one of our estimating team and they be more than happy to supply a quote.
Every car will receive a courtesy clean to remove any repair related dust, this isn’t a full valet. If you would like a full valet this can be arranged at an extra cost, please speak to the reception team when dropping the car off. We offer a delivery service within our postcoded area (25 miles)
Your policy excess is the contribution that you’ve agreed to make towards the repair with your insurer, this will be payable on completion of repairs before the vehicle is handed back.
If you are VAT registered you will need to pay the VAT element of the repair, insurance companies are not Vat registered so can’t claim the VAT element. If you are unsure please ask the reception team.
If your insurer has deemed your car beyond economical repair (the cost of repair outweighs the value) we will store your car until the insurance has agreed on a settlement. Any queries regarding a written-off car will need to be directed to your insurer.
© 2025 Registered Office: Carbody (Banbury) Ltd, Overthorpe Industrial Estate, Thorpe Lane Banbury, Oxon, OX16 4UT
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